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Triple vs Double Pane

Consider installing energy efficient windows. They offer:

  • greater resistance to condensation
  • superior comfort and insulation values
  • peace and quiet by blocking outside noise

Triple pane windows versus Double pane windows

Energy efficient windows protect your home from the summer heat and winter cold. Selective low-e coatings can keep the summertime heat out and in the wintertime, keep the heat in. We recommend triple-pane windows with:

  • low-e coatings
  • argon or krypton gas fill
  • insulated spacers

Triple pane windows are set in sturdier frames and should be equipped with stronger hardware because of the additional weight of the third pane. The higher quality can add 10 to 15 per cent to the cost over dual pane.

Casement and awning units generally have less air leakage than slider units. Frames of wood, PVC (vinyl), or fibreglass (figure 1) have insulating value. Fibreglass and PVC are relatively maintenance-free.

Window technologies that will help reduce condensation:

  • Frame: vinyl, fibreglass and wood provide insulating value
  • Spacer: low conductivity (warm edge) spacers reduce heat loss and the potential for condensation
  • Coating: low emissivity (low-e) coatings reduce radiant heat loss
  • Gas fill: the space between the panes filled with an inert gas (argon or krypton usually) reduces conduction
  • Glazing: triple glazing adds an extra insulating layer of air, argon or krypton
Article provided courtesy of Manitoba Hydro
Triple Pane Cross Section

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  • dave [at] windoorinst [dot] com
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